Deutsche Bank is facing the prospect of a buyers 'strike against its own debt and even debt it tries to sell on behalf of others as investors protest against the bank's decision not to redeem a bond deal this week. 由于投资者抗议德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)本周宣布的不会按期赎回某种债券的决定,该银行自身的债务(甚至该行试图代表其它机构出售的债务)有可能受到买家的抵制。
Athens is deliberately targeting emerging market investors, who only buy debt that pays high yields, as demand has dropped markedly on successive bond deals in Europe. 雅典方面此次发债特别针对只购买高收益率债券的新兴市场投资者。由于连续多起债券交易,欧洲对债券的需求已显著下降。
Their motive has nothing to do with the outlook for the dollar. Nor does it reflect fears about the US debt ceiling ( or the risk that the US will soon default if it fails to raise the legal limit on bond issuance). 他们的动机与美元前景无关,也并非缘于对美国债务上限问题(指的是如果美国不能提高发债规模法定上限那么很快就会违约的风险)的担忧。
Transaction Cost and Debt Market Liquidity: An Empirical Study Based on Shanghai Bond Market 交易成本与国债市场流动性:基于上海债市的实证研究
Besides original carries on the bank deposit and the purchase national debt, but should also include carries on investment in the fixed assets, the company share and the investment in bond, the financial bond investment, the long bill discount with accepts and so on. 除了原有的进行银行存款和购买国债外,还应包括进行固定资产投资、公司股票与债券投资、金融债券的投资、长期票据的贴现与承兑等。